How to Learn and Play Punk Guitar Chords Very Fast By Using Guitar-Learning Software

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How to Learn and Play Punk Guitar Chords Very Fast By Using Guitar-Learning Software

Punk chords are simply just a twist on the basic rock and roll chords: three chords and a simple melody. It just did it loud, more abrupt and a lot faster than regular rock and roll chords were played. You can easily learn to play the punk chords by practicing certain songs.

Popular artist for example are Bad Religion, Elvis Costello Nofx and The Queers. The best way to learn them is by using guitar lesson software. There are two good guitar software packages available.: Guitar Scale Mastery and Jamorama. Guitar Scale Mastery focuses more on punk, metal and pop chords/songs and Jamorama more on pop and blues.

Jamorama offers a free course too, so you can decide if it’s right and easy to do for yourself. Both packagers have lots of videos and e-books. The videos show you how to practice, how to read tabs and a lot more.

I used to go to a private guitar teacher. He charged me around 40 bucks an hour. On top of that I got lots of homework that I just didn’t or couldn’t finish. The main benefit a guitar learning software had for me was allowing me to practice what I want, when I want and how often I want.

Guitar software often costs between 40 and 90 dollars. This is a one time fee and you will gain access to the forums, community and get help from professional guitarist too. If you want to learn guitar or if you are going to a private teacher it sure is worth to check it out.

Source by Kenneth Douglas

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