How to Buy Translations of "Exotic" Languages?

Directorio de Locutores

How to Buy Translations of "Exotic" Languages?

Exotic would be described as something rare, beyond our control. Now, how do we control a language we do not know? This is often a source of frustration. The suggestions here are aimed at reducing headaches.

First some facts: the great majority of translation agencies do not have an «exotic» language translator in-house. When such a sporadic translation need arises, the vendor agency will look on their data base or translators directory to find someone, often a poor freelancer offering the cheapest price. For the intermediary the price is the most important factor and sometimes the only one on the translator choosing process. The price is important so the intermediary can get a good earning out it. Once the job is received, it is forwarded to the end customer. The translation vendor has no way of controlling that job. No body there speaks the «exotic» language.

Therefore some advice for translation buyers: Look for the real translator, the one that is doing the translation and you can trust, not for mere intermediaries. Good translators do work towards their own mother language; if it needs to be translated into Japanese find a Japanese native translator, if it needs to be translated into Spanish find a Spaniard. Ask for previously translated samples and references, often are a good indication of the translation quality. Do not manipulate text received from your translator; if so have it checked again. What it looks like a dash in Japanese it could well be the number one.

Inform the translator if the translation is for information or for sale purposes. The first one is often a non polished version of the second one, therefore less costly, but if your intention is to persuade then you will need the second type.

Some advantages of following the above advice: A better and less painful invoice, elimination of communication gap when you have some questions since you talk directly to the person doing the work; therefore the issue resolution period is much shorter. Increase the chances of getting a good translation and better image for your company.

Source by John T. Smith

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