First Computer Ever Built
The German engineer, Konrad Zuse is accredited with building the first computer in 1938. Zuse named his machine V1, but later changed it to Z1 to avoid it being confused with the V1 rocket. The Z1, was the worlds very first freely programmable computer. The Z1 was equipped with all the basics of our modern day machines, it used the binary system, a control unit, memory, micro sequences and floating point logic. The Z1 did not use relays, but instead consisted of thin metal sheets, which was produced using a jigsaw. It had an electrical engine, which provided a clock frequency of 1 Hz. The Z1 had a 64 word memory, in which each word contained 22 bits. The arithmetic unit ran four basic operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The Z1 had an average calculation speed of five seconds for addition and ten seconds for multiplication. In order for the Z1 to be programed it required that the user insert punch tape, a long strip of paper with holes that were used to store data, into a punch tape reader. The Z1 was built in Zuse’s parents living room and weighed a little over two thousand pounds. It was privately financed and while it did not function for any practical use it was the beginning of the development of a series of Z machines.
Even though Konrad Zuse has been given the title «Inventor of the computer,» many consider the US-built ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) to be the first electronic computer. It combined the speed of electronics with ability to be programmed. It had a calculation speed 5000 times per second for both addition and subtraction, which was faster than any other machines developed before it. Like the Z1, the ENIAC was able to multiply and divide, but had an additional feature of being able to provide square roots. Unlike the Z1 the memory was limited to about 20 words. ENIAC was a very large machine, it was the size of approximately two semi-trucks had a large number of blinking lights, required what seemed like an army of attendants, weighing almost thirty tons and containing over 18,000 valves. ENIAC was built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert and funded by the University of Pennsylvania.
New Computers are equipped with numerous amounts of programs and software. Windows 7 is the newest piece of software to hit the market.