Audible to MP3
Audible is a company controlled by Amazon, basically a provider of digital audio amusement, and educational programming. The company now savors monopoly in the Internet digital download market for audio books. The digital books are in .AA format and are Digital Rights Management protected.
These .AA files can be played only in Audible Ready Devices that is, .AA compatible players like the iPods, listed MP3 players and GPS devices such as the Garims, Tom Tom etc. DRM precludes users from playing .AA files on non-Audible Ready compatible devices like Sony, PSP, and Blackberry etc. Therefore if you want to listen to these files on any music system or device you have, there is a need for file conversion from .AA format to MP3.
Follow the simple steps given below and enjoy your Audio Book on any Media Player.:
• Assure that you have downloaded the .AA file using the Audible Download Manager and install it.
• Install and load the iTunes. Go to the File Menu, select «add file to library» option, and then locate and open the this file.
• Now you will see the .AA file on the recently added list.
• At the right hand bottom corner you will see an option called burn. Click on the same and you will see a box pop-up called Burn settings.
• In the box, choose the «Audio CD» option and click the burn tab.
• Insert a blank CD when iTunes request. After the CD is completely written, download a FreeRip program and install it
• Lastly when you insert the CD, you will see the tracks listed in FreeRip. Tick all the files you need to convert and select «Rip selected tracks to MP3». Wait for the process to complete and save the files.
There are many ways by which you can convert a .AA file into MP3. But, this method involves a few steps and is the fastest and simplest way of converting.