Agencia Locutores

Directorio de Locutores

Promotional Conference Folders Aren’t Just for Conferences Anymore

Promotional conference folders are most often seen at – what else – conferences, but they’re not just for conferences. The handy combination of a pocketed folder, portfolio, pad and pen holder makes them ideal for many different uses. If you buy a padfolio at an office supply store, you’ll pay a pretty penny for them – which is why they…

SEO: Agency, In-House Or Freelance – What Is Ideal For My Business?

With every passing day, digital marketing is becoming more important as ever. Big and small start-ups are advancing for digital marketing platforms to get their high business rankings and more ROI. Search engine optimisation is one of the most crucial pillars of online marketing that supports the other channels including email marketing, PPC and more. Many businesses favour SEO over…

Incentive Marketing

Incentive marketing, simply put is a specific plan to get people to do what you want them to do. This could be employees or customers; you offer a reward of some kind for performing certain objectives. When we say incentive marketing however this usually refers to customers or clients. We want them to remain loyal to a brand, product or…

Kaizen Alternatives: Options of Business Process Optimization

It is important to know the meaning of Kaizen and its modus operandi before understanding its alternatives. This is a continuous improvement process and companies can improve their businesses by adopting it carefully. This application is successfully implemented by a number of departments. Many departments such as services, management, manufacturing, strategy department, human resources, marketing and accounts could also make…

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