Call Tracking and Voice Over Internet Protocol

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Call Tracking and Voice Over Internet Protocol

Call Tracking numbers are becoming a necessity for some companies by providing a service that has been proven to contribute to their success. Call tracking numbers allow companies to differentiate their business from which ad or marketing campaign the customer came from. As companies start investigating call tracking a question that seems to be asked quite frequently is "How is call tracking numbers and VOIP different?"

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is a system that all phone companies use including call tracking services. Vonage and Skype are systems that do use VOIP s but their system is a public system and there is a large difference between using public and private VOIP.

At a very basic level VOIP is the idea of ​​using a data network, like the internet, to transfer data between two points. Although VOIP seems to implicate that it can only carry voice across the network the reality is that VOIP can be used to communicate voice, data and video across the network if the software and hardware is in place.

In order for the data to flow smoothly from one point to the other the data is compressed with a CODEC and sliced ​​into packets or smaller samples. These packs are then pulsed across the network and reassembled at the other end, decompressed and played backed. The whole process is so quick that the users do not notice the process taking place. If the process does become slowed down then "jittering" can take place. The voice or video then becomes choppy or glitch ridden. In order to overcome the problem a fast Ethernet network dedicated to VOIP improves the flow of data.

A private network's quality is similar to normal phone service with added features. The cost is also similar for local and long distance service; you will usually see a significant saving in International and long distance calling. A private network can allow for a more secure system. A private network places the endpoints for data to transfer between two firewalls. A private network will eliminate any latency allowing for a more crisp clear sound quality.

Using the public internet opens up many possibilities for reducing the cost of calling, but there is no telling what type of service you will have at any given time. Because you are on the public Internet your voice traffic is seen as any other packet of data, causing latency. The quality of your call becomes affected by this and the quality of the call can deteriorate dramatically. It starts out sounding like you are talking in a cave and pieces of the conversation can be lost.

As Call Tracking companies become more numerous make sure you find out and ask the question concerning the VOIP they are using. Call tracking companies can not produce a dial tone and must rely on VOIP for their systems to work. The quality of your calls is intertwined with the quality, security, and function of your call tracking company's VOIP.

Source by Jared Hess

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