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Project Management Tools for Advertising Agencies

Managing projects effectively determines the success of any business. While project management tools were once thought important only for production and delivery projects, today an entire gamut of industries has begun using them. One of the industries that have begun using them on a large scale is advertising agencies. Various types of project management tools are available for advertising agencies.…

A Social Media Marketing Company is Your Best Partner to Realize Success Online

There has been much conflicting news about social media marketing (SMM) recently. A news item in The Australian advised marketers to slow their efforts to adopt social media marketing for their companies. Similarly, an article in the Memphis Commercial-Appeal warned small business owners not to get «caught up in the social media whirlwind». On the other hand, industry research by…

AE Projects – Enabling Interactive Broadcasts

The broadcasting industry is diverse, consisting of radio and television networks that in recent years have been penetrated by numerous networks and pay-per view channels. Producing a variety of programs, including television shows, commercials, national and local news and films, the entertainment industry has become one of the largest sectors in the global marketplace. Advancing technology has created trends in…

Phone, Internet, TV, Wireless … Comparing Bundled Services

This article will allow consumers to educate them on the best deals possible for bundled services. In the ever changing and ultra competitive world of telecom many consumers can be confused with the many different bundled plans and services most phone companies now offer. With the implementation of bundled services consumers can now have most telecom products (phone, tv, internet,…

Digital Media and the Continued Decline in Traditional Advertising Methods

A lot of companies are losing confidence in traditional marketing methods and advertising media. You only have to take a look at the headlines: «Harvey Norman to Slash Ad Budget by $60m; moves online» «GM to slash $800M from North American Budget» Nearly 65% of CMOs and marketing execs say their ad budgets will decrease because of the troubled economy,…

Audible to MP3

Audible is a company controlled by Amazon, basically a provider of digital audio amusement, and educational programming. The company now savors monopoly in the Internet digital download market for audio books. The digital books are in .AA format and are Digital Rights Management protected. These .AA files can be played only in Audible Ready Devices that is, .AA compatible players…

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