Promotional Conference Folders Aren’t Just for Conferences Anymore

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Promotional Conference Folders Aren’t Just for Conferences Anymore

Promotional conference folders are most often seen at – what else – conferences, but they’re not just for conferences. The handy combination of a pocketed folder, portfolio, pad and pen holder makes them ideal for many different uses. If you buy a padfolio at an office supply store, you’ll pay a pretty penny for them – which is why they make very nice employee incentives and corporate gifts.

Promotional conference folders as employee incentives

Who doesn’t love a nice, quality piece of equipment? Padfolios, portfolios and conference folders have nearly taken the place of the ubiquitous briefcase for salesmen and associates on the run. If your employees have jobs that include a lot of meetings and conferences, a conference folder with room for all their gear is a more than welcome incentive. You can up the incentive value by including little extras – a fully stocked promotional conference folder might include a high quality pen, business cards, calculator, USB drive and company cell phone – all in their appropriate pockets. That should be incentive for anyone to do their best.

Promotional conference folders for meetings

Why hand out loose agendas and informational handouts to your board of directors at monthly meetings? Promotional conference folders can be filled before each meeting with a copy of the agenda and any important paperwork or information for the night’s meeting. If meetings frequently include calculations and figures, you might choose conference folders with a calculator pocket and fill it with a calculator. A pen is a must, of course. The idea is to make sure that each of your board members has everything that he or she might need during the course of the meeting. The folders can be collected at the end of the meeting and used again next month.

Promotional conference folders for marketing

Are you prospecting for investors in a new company? You can make a very professional first impression when you deliver the prospectus and all related documents in a promotional conference folder imprinted with the project name. Using a high quality conference folder as a presentation folder hints at the exclusivity of the opportunity – something you won’t do if you choose cardboard presentation folders. When you’re seeking funding for a new startup or business service, first impression is all important. A conference folder used as a promotional jacket will make that first impression count.

Promotional conference folders for sale

Another way to make a profit using promotional conference folders is to sell them. Many of the big boys in the stationery and office supply industry now brand their own portfolios and conference folders and sell them in their stores. School stores and other retail outlets are ideal outlets for branded items like conference folders. Choose one or two styles to stock, and have them printed with your school crest, company logo or brand name. They’re especially appropriate for secretarial schools, IT schools and other informational and service seminars and educational institutions.

If you’re not certain which promotional conference folders are the best for your needs, you can get great advice from representatives of promotional products companies who know their products well.

Source by Tina Rinaudo

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