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How to Find Homeschool Resources for Your Child

As any homeschooling parent will tell you, finding the best resources to educate your child is the biggest challenge that these parents face. Finding the right curriculum, the right textbooks, the best tutors, and locating experiential learning opportunities (hands-on education, field trips, etc.) is enormously time consuming. And so often you keep wondering if there aren’t wonderful resources out there…

The Many Benefits of Online Education

Honestly, online education has become increasingly popular at colleges and universities in the past few years because of the improved access that it provides students. Online education refers to courses where at least 80 percent of content is distributed online. Students send assignments online and often participate in chat discussions or message boards that pertain to the course subject. However,…

Writing Tips: Modern Missions

Richard Hannula authored, Trial and Triumph – Stories from Church History initially for his own children, but many others of all ages find it very helpful. Additionally, I see value in these mini-biographies as great writing prompts. Students learning to write need to remember to: Use transition words: transition is like a bridge between two sentences or two paragraphs. Examples:…

Learn How to Jelq – 7 Ways to Learn the Jelqing Technique to Increase Penis Size

If you want to learn how to jelq to increase your penis size, then congratulations. You’ve chosen to learn the ONLY true, natural, and effective way to get a bigger penis. The most important thing is learning how to jelq properly. Here are 7 ways on how to learn the jelqing technique to increase penis size: 1. Articles. There are…

Online Training & Certification Courses for Analytics

‘Analytics’ is probably the new word being used when discussing hot topics in business. Data or business analytics is all about the collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of data in order to derive insights. Data is collected from various sources and is processed in specified ways. Various questions are developed on the information and answers are found. The data analyst…

The Usefelness of Udemy

What, I know you’re asking, is a Udemy (pronounced you-duh-mee)? Actually, if you are a relationship marketer (and if you’re an online marketer, you are a relationship marketer), it can be nothing short of a Godsend. To make short of a very long answer, Udemy is an online teaching platform that is open to anyone who wants to teach something…

The Power of Homeschooling

There are 3 powerful reasons why homeschooling works. These include: (1.) Homeschooling enables exposure to a broad range of people, ideas, and places. Homeschooling is so flexible that it allows family field trips whenever you want. This provides a great way to learn through taking tours, meeting knowledgeable people, and volunteering. What is even better is that you can take…

Online Education – Revolutionizing Learning

Our world is changing perceptibly everyday. The technological boom has revolutionized the way humans function. Innovative methods are emerging to substitute the traditional ways of working. We can discern perceptible change in the education sectors, wherein both students and educators are turning to information and technology to improve the quality and speed of learning. Education has entered a new phase…

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