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Technology Brings Unconventional Teaching Methods Mainstream

There was a time in the not too distant past where a quality education meant attending a traditional brick and mortar institution. The alternatives like home schooling, distance learning and correspondence education were often seen as inferior, albeit legitimate teaching methodologies. However, technology has changed the way we see the non-traditional approaches to education and learning. The internet has revolutionized…

The Effectiveness of Online Training

Online training is known by numerous names and acronyms–computer-based training (CBT), web-based training (WBT), cyber-training, distance learning, e-learning, etc. By whatever name, online training is a method of delivering training through an electronic medium without the immediate presence of a human instructor. By taking advantage of technology, training online can be more cost effective by delivering more knowledge in a…

Open Source Software Vs Proprietary Software? Tips For Technology Integration

Is open source the right option for your online training, teaching, or learning efforts? This articles compares the difference between open source and proprietary software. Open source software has become mainstream. Applications such as the Firefox Web browser and Linux operating system are available to aid in all areas of operation, including teaching and learning. Open source software has become…

Importance of E-Learning

The concept of e-learning is still vague to many of us in India. But it is catching up real fast in keeping with the West. E-learning is essentially electronic learning and is delivered through a computer. In different sectors and with different people the meaning of e-learning differs. For instance, in the field of business it refers to the strategies…

WebRTC – The Future of Video Conferencings

WebRTC is a breakthrough technology which collapses the barriers of communication. This technology allows the web developers to inherit the standard media engine into the web browser. Thereby allowing users to have the real-time collaboration by connecting to the endpoint form any kind of device. WebRTC will be a future technology, for the industries that are already integrated with room-based…

A Brief History of Computer Based Training

Computer Based Training or CBT is now widely adopted in education, corporate training for learning any subject from math, history to sales skill, customer support and project management. The driving force behind the maturity of CBT industry, however, has been aviation industry. In the 1980’s, Computer based training and simulation were introduced to pilot training programs to reduce the training…

Online Financial Modeling Courses Vs. Live Courses

Even in an age of advanced technology, tablets, apps and iPhones, a strong case can still be made for ‘live’ training as the most effective type of learning. Most would argue that nothing can replace the learning experience that a ‘real’ classroom provides. Whether elementary school arithmetic, MBA studies or advanced financial training for executives, in-person teaching (for most) is…

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