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How Do Popular Smart Speakers Respond to Voice Search in Different Languages

Over the past several years, smart speakers have become increasingly popular in the U.S. These wireless speakers are one of the most recent advancements in AI (artificial intelligence) technology. They respond to voice commands and are capable of a myriad of functions, from conducting Internet searches to playing a song or playlist, to checking the weather report, to creating a…

How Lawyers, Business Executives and Telemarketers Can Benefit From Voice Training

Corporate Voice Training can give you that all important trait in business–an executive presence! With the right tone of voice you will be able to project a more engaging telephone voice AND be taken seriously in meetings. If you want to be more easily understood and avoid having people ask you to repeat yourself, voice training will enable you to…

Making Business Loud and Audible With Effective Voice Conferencing

Voice conferencing is not quite far from hand these days. This makes business extremely audible, and with the help of the call providers, conference processes become apparent. This has become a standing business for call providers as they try to make concise business processes through effective calling. Making a business call for conducting seminars and meetings is the best way…

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