voice over agents

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Social Media Tips For B2B Insurance Agencies

A strong social media presence can be challenging to accomplish for B2B (business to business) insurance agencies. Many B2B companies struggle to showcase their professionalism, and build an audience through social media marketing. Consider the following tips to help make sure your agency is maximizing your social media marketing efforts. Create Your Online Persona Your social media presence should have…

Talent Agency – What Do Talent Agents Look For In Actors?

What is a talent agency? A talent agency is a company that finds jobs for its clients. Talent agencies place principal talent in feature films, movies, TV, commercials, voice-overs, internet, video games, modeling, etc. A talent agency hires talent agents who represent their talent/performers on a talent roster (it’s basically a list of their clients). As I’ve heard it explained…

Using Insurance Marketing Videos To Improve SEO & Extend Your Agency Reach

Videos have great shelf life and offer insurance agencies and brokers an opportunity to provide educational, sticky, and effective content. Videos can range from recorded webinars, to voice over PowerPoint, to professionally composed whiteboard productions with scripted voice over and complimentary background music. Why add video to your insurance agency website, and why create a branded YouTube channel with videos?…

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