The Price of Truth

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The Price of Truth

As human beings we often have a hard time accepting truth. Enamoured with the mind and the ego which makes it a conduit for righteousness, we are prone to believe that we have all the answers. Wanting to keep the power of this position, we close ourselves off from that which points to a deeper truth inside of us. Settling for this knowledge, we deprive ourselves of wisdom which is essentially what truth is. An embodiment of the spirit, it is that which speaks loudest within us that we fight the hardest to repress. Harming ourselves in the process, we blind the world to the spirit’s gifts when we work to stifle the natural movement from falsehood to truth.

Separated from the presence of truth inside of ourselves, we speak out against, rather than for, that which longs to make us whole. What is first ridiculed is then violently opposed before being accepted as self evident. Being the process through which truth must pass in the world that we have made, we are the agents of our own suffering. Truth leads to peace while falsehood leads to chaos, both in ourselves and in the outside world. Splintering that which truth would unite with loving abandon, it is the ignorance of the mind that is the enemy of evolution.

One of my personal heroes is Dr Martin Luther King. A statesman of great courage, integrity and vision, he fought valiantly not for what his mind believed but for what his heart knew to be right. Trusting this spiritual voice within and allowing it to guide him in the way that he communicated, led and connected with others, he spoke with clarity, reverence and an authority that was above and beyond the fear, anger and hate which consumed and moved from those who first ridiculed him and then violently opposed his call to end segregation, and liberate those who had been confined and condemned by the ignorant minds of the majority that had accepted racism as the normal societal standard of the time.

Knowing in his heart that he was an agent for truth in the world, not even an assassin’s bullet could compromise the power of his message. Speaking to the hearts of men, women and children the world over, it was his dream that resonated with their truth. Awakening them to the realization that our substance is infinitely more important than our appearance, ignorance gave way to wisdom that was allowed to enter by their open-mindedness. Learn here that it is not the mind but the spirit which opens the gate to wisdom. That which is weak must find strength in the source of that strength. This is the spirit which heals that which the ego has harmed. How else can we explain the legacy left by Martin Luther King? Half a century after his death, we do not remember those who ridiculed and violently opposed him, but only the man who lived his truth for the world to see.

Having recently celebrated Martin Luther King Day, I couldn’t help but give thanks and appreciation for the path that he paved not only for blacks, but also for members of all other races. While prejudice does still exist in the world, we have come a long way in our ability to perceive and honour the uniting presence of the spirit in each other. Building on what he created, America now has an African American president who shares the character, integrity and vision of his predecessor. Having a dream of his own, it is Barack Obama who is now working to bring together not only Americans but the citizens of the world. An advocate of strong spirituality, it is his uncompromising values that speak loud in his words and actions. With truth sharing this characteristic, it is what will not bow down to falsehood or egoic righteousness, which threatens to undermine the good work that we have done so far. This is why we must be vigilant and practice in every moment being loyal to truth. This starts first within ourselves and moves into the outside world which mirrors in all ways our level of consciousness, and observance to that which cannot be manipulated or destroyed.

Very recently I read the marvellous book Truth v Falsehood by Dr David Hawkins. An expert in spirituality and metaphysics, Dr Hawkins makes the point that levels of truth parallel levels of consciousness in the world. What this means in effect is that for truth to be known in the world we must express it through our being. So often in religion, the great prophets are associated with truth. Christians say that Jesus is truth. Buddhists say that Buddha is truth. To their respective followers, Krishna and Zoroaster is truth. What we can take from this is that the path of enlightenment is one of truth. Not existing in any one person alone, it is the potential for truth that is shared by everyone whom God has given life.

So many of the world’s problems manifest because a group of people want to monopolize truth, most often under the guise of religion. These groups, identifying with one particular avatar or spiritual leader, will claim that their way is the path to truth and that by implication, the way of every other group is false because there can only be one true way. Taking such a limited and deleterious perspective, power struggles ensue between groups of people which lead to war, violence and discrimination. For sure, there is one truth, but that can only be known by the heart and not the mind. Why so many who are steeped in traditional religion struggle to find this truth is because they try to come to it with the mind to the exclusion of the heart.

Wanting to find truth so that they can monopolize it with those who share their ideological biases, truth eludes them because they seek to use and exploit it for the ego’s purpose. Never will the spirit succumb to the ego, which is why those who seek to abuse truth will never find it within themselves. To find truth is to experience peace, but how many who claim to be agents of the truth are really peaceful?

Just today, I was reading about how a group of Islamic extremists blew up a market in Iran killing many innocent civilians in the process. Perpetrating these acts in an attempt to impose their ‘truth’, they teach only of the insidious nature of the ego and the destruction that results when it comes to associate itself with the truth. To the ego that functions with a scarcity paradigm, there is not enough truth to go around. Wanting the power that it represents, it is those who are deep in ego consciousness that will reactively attack others to defend their perception of truth. Having to conquer others to have their perception of truth validated, it is those who commit such acts of violence that can never experience genuine peace that is born of truth. Violence is totally inconsistent with peace, and always will we manifest that which is consistent with what we feel inside.

Never did Jesus, Buddha or Krishna commit such acts of violence because that is not love’s way. With peace emanating out of love, it is only natural that serenity will result when we give a voice to truth. Inspired by its message, those who give and receive of the spirit grow together when truth is what is expressed. Extending their arms towards one another, they do so not to exchange blows but to embrace the truth in one another, being the presence of love that emanates from the heart.

Only when we surrender our will to the will of God will truth reveal itself. Being the tacit vocation of the mind, it is our potential for greatness that we must not fear. As fear takes what the spirit has given, so does ignorance obscure the wisdom of truth. Aligning ourselves with love, truth teaches that we are good, whole and perfect. Listening with the heart we need not ridicule and violently oppose our holistic intention. The abundance of the spirit is self evident, as is its ability to heal our misconceptions. Truth is the love that sets us free.

Source by L.C. Duperouzel

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