Why Is Video Content Now So Valuable For Marketing?

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Why Is Video Content Now So Valuable For Marketing?

In today’s fast-paced world in which we live, it is crucial to find inventive and unique ways to ensure your product or service stands out among the ever-increasing level of competition. Using video content is one of the most solid forms of marketing and has a history that can be traced through the past decades. It remains one of the most powerful and effective pieces to a successful marketing strategy. With the technological advances in both video production and the internet, the limits are extended on a seemingly daily basis. With the influx of viral videos, avant-garde and niche advertising, it’s difficult to see why one shouldn’t use video marketing.

Video marketing doesn’t need to be a time-consuming endeavour. It is a safe assumption to make that people would prefer to watch a 2-minute video over a 30-minute video that can deliver the same information. Short, punchy and memorable video marketing can take your brand from the unknown to the known if done correctly. More and more marketing leaders are advocating that marketing content should be at least half of all marketing options put towards a brand.

Statistics from Marketing Week revealed that in 2012, 70% of the top 100 search results in Google were videos. With this finding and potential, by utilising video marketing, you can boost your viewing numbers greatly via ranking in search engine results. This provides you a stronger platform for your marketing video to be seen and heard. Furthermore, if you have a well-executed and timeless promotional video as part of your video marketing strategy, you can use that video for years to come and that will gain more exposure over time. This is particularly true if you manage to create a video that goes viral. It is important to point out that viral videos tend to happen when the efforts are organic and not forced.

Video marketing also allows a marketing team to educate, inspire and entertain all in one package. An interesting market research by MarketingCharts.com showed that 60% of consumers would watch a video for a minimum of two minutes if it provides information and educates them on the purchase they are intending to make. This is a great way to produce demonstrations or real-life reviews of how your product or services works, thus allowing your customer base to learn about your product in a fun environment with an inspiring tagline to help them see why they should choose your product or service over the rest.

One of the strongest advantages of video marketing is that it helps you reach a wide net of consumers (think millions) in a very short period without spending your entire marketing budget. With the help of a cost-effective, inventive and reputable video production company, you can produce unique, inspiring videos to effectively sell your product or service. This not only helps you reach your base audience faster, but it also allows your customers to push that content for you by sharing your video on social media. Additionally, the innovative technology that a video production company can bring you has become much more affordable as the video technology has become more available to the public. This will help you save on your budget but ensure you receive the quality and expertise assistance.

The benefits of using video marketing are numerous and the list advocating its use grows more each year. To be successful in today’s brutal competitive market, you must stand out and video marketing ensures you hit numerous messaging targets at once in a tech-savvy way to comply with ever-growing internet advances and technological tweaks. By making video marketing a priority for your marketing strategy, you will set yourself up for success for years to come.

Source by Tze Li

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