Advanced Selling Skills – Get Your Prospect Angry
There are basic skills you may learn as you go. Advanced selling skills for insurance sales are rarely publicized. The logical reason is that so few professional agents know about these advanced skill techniques, and fewer adapt them. It takes an insurance representative that is «Happy Discontent». Very happy to be selling insurance, yet discontent his career is not advancing quick enough. This is the insurance rep most likely to benefit from this article. Learning this advanced insurance selling skill will be beneficial.
Before you even think of starting your presentation, you must set the stage. You know the prospect has an unfilled needed, that is the reason you have been given an opportunity to have a discussion. When I say you want to get your prospect angry, you immediately think that is the last thing you want. Remember though, the most successful sales people are those to dare what others will not do. You also want to use an approach that your prospective client has not already heard hundreds of times.
Sometime emotions are not effective enough. Immediately think of the strong client emotions of fear, need, and greed, with fear being the strongest of the three. Now think of the fear of God. Fearing God exists in almost all religions. You see how many people are very unreligious as they go through their daily life activities. Yet, when on their dying bed, religious or not, people cry out «God Help Me». The point here is your prospects may realize their fears, but put off reacting on them until it is too late.
Fear does not always work, and over a time period certain people react with resistance to scare tactics. «Think of your family», is often an ineffective line. The same applies to the feeling of guilt. Your prospects could pick up an indication, even if unfounded, that you are telling them they are bad people. This is often a silent killer of sales. The insurance sales person will ponder for hours, why his perfectly worded presentation failed to result in a sale.
Persuasion The power is persuasion, or even parts of it are extremely difficult to master. The reason why working on emotions sometimes fails, is that are overly directly with the person you are having a conversation with. Instead of scare tactics, often angering people is the way to go about persuading people. Moreover, it is highly underrated.
MAKE THEM ANGRY to sell new insurance. Using anger in your presentation is achieved and mastered by focusing on someone else’s mistakes, never on your own or the clients. Let us say, the subject is family life insurance. You start by saying, «Isn’t a shame how the Government wastes billions on dollars of spending on items that never benefit you?» Let them answer, and then expand. «What really burns you up? Allow them to voice facts or opinions. When the cloud clears, you say, «What makes me mad is the same reason why I am here.» You would think with all those billions, the Government would care more about taking care of your family if either one of you would die» What do you think?» Here, you start letting them sell themselves on the need for providing for their family. Now you have them angry, and it is almost time to start your presentation.
«Since we so far have been unable to get the Government to do its job, let me show you an option to help solve the problem you and so many other families’ have.». «I hope I did not get you too angered up». Wait for the reply, like «No it’s not your fault.» Now you have started to pre-close them, even before starting your presentation. They like especially like your concern and giving them a chance to air their vents. You are on their level, appear to be knowledgeable, trustworthy, and the style of insurance agent they WANT to do business with.
MAKE THEM ANGRY to change their insurance. Again, you are going to focus on someone’s mistakes. Never say, «My insurance proposal will serve you better». That creates cause for debate or a possible no sale. Focus on Anger! Ask to see what present insurance coverage they have for the area you are going to sell them. Review it briefly and exclaim loudly, «Oh My Gosh», and pause. Continue with, «I can’t believe what you were forced into buying.». Now get them angry. «Did the agent explain all that was left out of your policy?». «Did you ever have a claim?, Thank God. «Is it true that you are paying $$$ for THIS coverage?». «Has this agent had the nerve to ever contact you again?» You should have pulled out anger from your prospect by now. Follow this with, «Well, this area is my specialty». «Would you like to see my recommendation and what benefits are designed with you in mind?»
These are not gimmicks. Are you not an intelligent sales person? Start using this technique and other advanced selling skills.