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Uses and Advantages of Product Placement

Product placement marketing is becoming extremely popular today because it offers many advantages to all parties involved. Branded entertainment promotions have helped many companies to significantly improve their bottom line, especially when linked to movies with a high success rate. The information below will highlight some of the uses and advantages of product placement. First, let take a look at…

7 Promotional Products Every Business Needs to Attract Customers

Let’s face it; consumers today are bombarded with advertising and marketing messages from virtually every angle. From billboards to television, print media, radio, and the internet, people are constantly flooded with ads. As a result, consumers have learned to tune out just about all of it. It’s tough for a business to break through all of the advertising clutter in…

Planning for Audio-Visual Equipment, Lighting, and Staging of Your Corporate Event

Exciting new technologies like interactive computer use, live video enhancement of speakers, and teleconferencing can be utilized but the associated cost of these new technologies can be steep. The type of AV support you will need for your meeting or event may be simple or more complex. Be sure to review all your options and plan ahead: o Get a…

Branding Your Radio Or TV Campaign With a Musical Identity (AKA Audio Logo or Jingle)

You do not think twice about a business card and letterhead logo for the visual aspect of your campaign, why not an audio logo to brand your broadcast campaign? With the magic of music you can capture the personality of your business, create an emotional connection to your target audience and get recall & branding recognition (in some situations with…

Corporate Video Production – Creating Videos Is a Process

Small to large businesses need to start using video and take advantage of professional corporate video production services! Forbes reports that for entrepreneurs in all business segments (including those in health products and service industry) all signs point to increased preferences for video of all types for both consumer and business audiences in 2017. Here’s some stats on why video…

Sony DWM-01C31 Digital Handheld Microphone – A Review

Not all microphones are created equal, and with the release of Sony's DWM-01C31 Digital Handheld Microphone, there is no arguing to that. Sony is considered as one of the largest names in the world of audiovisual production. It is well respected company when it comes to its professional lines of audio and video production equipments. From camcorders to video decks,…

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