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How Do Teachers Assess Online Learners’ Output?

Online teaching can be both fun and challenging to teachers who are facilitating. Yes, not only does he/she have the technical expertise but also the ability to assess the following materials submitted by their learners, virtually or on ground, for some special cases like using digital camera to document a play, procedural tasks, among others: 1. Print – compilation of…

Combine Language Learning and Technology to Explode Your Teaching and Learning Success

Are you looking to boost your English language teaching or learning skills to yet ever higher levels? Would you like to stimulate more interest in your language classes or break out of a slump or plateau? Combine the use of a variety of language learning techniques with continually developing technology to spur your successes. Here are some useful ideas and…

Disadvantages and Bad Habit Woes of Online Education Learning

Bad habits are deeply rooted and their change requires a deeper understanding. In all my years of writing about the beneficiaries of online education learning I have come across several disadvantages of online courses. Modern lives require high-end careers. Kudos to online learning for it has eased the age old conventions of higher education. Now career goals are no longer…

Removing Geographical Barriers Using Video Conferencing

Business traveling, unavoidable and incurring uncontrollable expenses for the organization. Spreading of business world wide brings up new branches at various locations which needs to be continuously interacted and equipped with information, training programs for newly recruited employees, updating and motivation for the existing employees on a regular basis, involving traveling of employees or the trainers to and fro to…

Small Screen Machine Learning

Machine learning has quickly become a hot button topic in information technology. And, although it’s changing the game in a big way right now, it’s actually been kicking around in the tech and innovation scene for several years. Apple, for example, first brought Siri into the light in 2011 but, years earlier, had first begun experimenting with consumer-driven machine learning.…

Best Online Training Company in Nigeria

an experienced and well-versed training company which satisfies their needs. For that, KVCH is the offshore training is a method of providing required knowledge or skills completely through the medium of internet. By keeping in mind about the fact about Online and offshore Training, it is also known as computer-based training (CBT), distance learning and e-learning. The training includes a…

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