Do's and Don'ts When Hiring Voice Over Talent

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Do's and Don'ts When Hiring Voice Over Talent

From radio-commercials to podcasts, finding the right voice over talent for your marketing and brand is an essential part of your advertising efforts. Voice overs play a part in persuading, entertaining, educating, and generating interest in your target-market. No matter what kind of advertisement or message you are planning to promote, a voice over artist can assist you in creating just the dynamic kind of ad you are looking for.

Locating the right fit for your voice over talent is critical in today's highly-competitive marketplace; you need to create and advertising message that resonates with your clients and ensures that your company stands apart from the competition. The process of hiring can be lengthy, but finding a voice talent agent can make it easier to find the right fit. Never the less, there are many ways to track down someone who can help develop the right marketing and advertising message needed. These are some simple do's and don'ts when hiring a voice artist for your campaign.

Do ask for references. Learning how the voice artist has worked with other customers and clients can supply some insights on how well they may jive with your business objectives.

Do not just listen to the one example. Ask for at least three to five different samples that demonstrate how flexible and adaptable the voice over talent may be. Professional voice artists should be able to deliver a bunch of voices and customize their voice to meet the needs of your message.

Do request more than one interview. The initial interview may be strictly to inspect the person's qualifications and discover more about their background. The second and third interview may include some additional evaluations, so plan ahead and devise a series of interviews to focus your choices.

Do not forget about the talent that's online. Many talented voice over artists can now be located online, and have their own homepage and portfolio for your review. This can make hiring much easier, and you'll have a much better understanding of their history with the audio files and related-links that are accessible on their website.

Do select a voice that complements your target audience. Customers in your target market are much more likely to resonate with someone who resembles their own neighbors and coworkers. Do not be afraid to invest the time to find at least three distinct qualities or characteristics of your target market, and look for voice over talent with the same qualities.

Remember to request ask for demo Mp3s. You can listen to these after the interview, and keeping them on hand can help you compare them to all applicants and talent with ease. Do not forget about those Mp3 or demo-tapes so you can effectively compare them when it comes time to make the final decisions.

Hiring the right voice talent is vital part of creating your sales messages, and you will need to do some market research to determine what your clients will resonate the most with. Finding a voice over artist with experience will make the process of developing your campaign much easier; take the time to talk to and test each applicable to determine just the perfect match.

Source by Terry Daniel

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