How Hosted IVR Works
Hosted IVR services are like snowflakes. No two are quite the same, some melt faster than others, and nobody knows exactly how they work.
IVR hosting refers to the various applications and voice response software provided by third-party providers. This technology generally works by automating the interaction between callers and businesses.
Just like any technology, when one voice response solution is superseded by a better one, it is only sensible that you move on. Most newer platforms are quick to install, interactive, and easy to use.
Some have even moved away from requiring basic programming knowledge. To operate these newer models, just setup some web menus for accessing or entering caller information into your database or touch tone phone.
Basic voice response applications are popular with credit card companies and banks, where they are used to provide account information to their customers without any interactions with representatives. To facilitate the proper interaction between humans and computer voice, certain providers rely on either VXML or voice XML formats.
Why Choose It?
Today’s hosting options rank much better than they did just a few years ago. First, and most importantly, one doesn’t need to spend months if hosted IVR is chosen, since the deployment can be done in hours or a few days. Moreover, an on-premise solution usually ends up burning a hole in your pocket; so instead of paying through the nose, hosted IVR is far cheaper, and comes with no maintenance issues and support costs.
Hosted IVR also opens up a whole new world of possibilities, since they bolster the efficiency of the entire centre, allowing you strategize your customer interaction in many ways. With increased flexibility and scalability that the advanced hosted IVR offer, you hardly have anything left to manage and worry about!
Some Definitions You Might See
Here are some other terms you might see when researching a provider:
Artificial Intelligence: Just as the name implies, artificial intelligence is computer technology designed to mimic human intelligence. Some providers use this technology, as opposed to traditional programming.
Completion Rates: This term refers to the number of calls that are successfully solved; it’s an important metric to monitor while using a host.
Live Agents: Refers to the actual «live» employees that make up your staff. They should work in conjunction with your virtual agents (defined below).
Virtual Agents: The computer-assisted «virtual» employees that make up the interactive portion of your voice response solutions. When working properly, assist your live staff.
Natural Language Markups: Describes one particular voice response technology that works well with artificial intelligence to simulate employee-to-customer relations.