Voice Over Internet Protocol & Its Disadvantages
When we talk about VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol, we are talking primarily about a revolutionary way of talking with someone like the traditional phone, only, more advanced-in simpler terms-it is phone service over the internet.
To better understand how it is different from the traditional phone, let us first give a brief preview how the two works. The traditional phone or regular analog audio is made up of fiber optic networks that digitize your voice communications before sending the signal over the phone lines miles away, and then when it reaches its destination, the signal is once again switched to analog.
On the other hand, the Voice over Internet Protocol, works basically with the same principle, only through a more complex & revolutionary way. It works by making the analog signal into a more digital format by converting these signals into smaller packets that is transmitted through the Internet-which differentiates it from the traditional phone that transmits its signal through phone lines. From the Internet, these signals are then reassembled back to its original form when it reaches its destination. The process is attributed to the revolutionary process of "compression / decompression" or Codec, which is the process of breaking down & the putting back together of large files for it to be able to pass through a series of networks.
With this ground-breaking way of putting a twist on the traditional phone, it's now possible to make phone calls through your computer; you only need to have a stable broadband internet connection & a great VoIP provider.
Some people prefer to have both the traditional phone & the VoIP, because as advance as VoIP may be, there are still setbacks related to using it. One problem that consumers may face when using VoIP is that not all VoIP providers connect directly to emergency services like 9-1-1, which is a big part of every family's well-being. With the use of IP services, emergency calls can not be easily routed to the intended receiver primarily due to the general nature of Internet Protocol. Whereas, the traditional phone has a fixed line that enables a direct relationship between a specific telephone number & its physical location, while the IP service on the other hand makes locating or mapping out of a specific IP address to that of the location very difficult. In that sense, emergency hotlines, like that of the local police dep't, can locate emergency locations just by calling from a fixed line because it is possible for them to locate your specific location without you telling them, but with VoIP, that same process would be hard.
Another problem is that unlike the traditional phone, VoIP in general, is suspect to power outrages since it is connected to cable modems or routers that rely on direct lines to electricity-another problem that may pose especially on emergencies. Not all VoIP providers also offer directory assistance or white page listings.
Although VoIP is making its name, there are still much consideration that consumers should take account for. It is important that before choosing to avail any services, careful weighing of whether or not it suits your lifestyle and it meets your needs.