VoIP – A Boom For Many

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VoIP – A Boom For Many

Communication is a process that has been going on since the very beginning of our survival and has continued till today. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to state that communication and networking among people is responsible for the entire development in the field of technology or any other field for that matter. Ever since the introduction of VoIP telephony services the face of communication has changed drastically forever.

It would be difficult to identify the main benefit of voice over IP. However, one of the main reasons for its popularity is its cost effective feature. Since it does not require the same infrastructure like PSTN i.e optical fibers among others, and transmits voice over the Internet using gateways, switches etc, it is relatively cheaper than traditional telephony services that were available till now.

Another major benefit is it that this new technology is location independent. It offers us the advantage to connect even through a remote area. Only an IP phone and Internet connection is needed. This feature is a major plus point for corporates. So, one doesn’t have to worry about being late for a video conference ever again!

VoIP providers offer their services to all sectors of the industry. There are 3 kinds of VoIP service providers including Tier 1, 2 and 3.

To establish oneself as a tier 1 provider requires major investment in this sector for setting up infrastructure and purchasing technical equipments needed for the working of voice over Internet protocol. Besides this a thorough knowledge of telecommunication industry and technical knowledge about this field is necessary.

A Tier 2 operator works at a relatively smaller level and leases a part of the network capacity of Tier 1.

Similarly, a Tier 3 operator leases a part of network from both Tier 1 and Tier 2.

There are other options also. For instance, a company can opt to be a wholesale carrier provider of Voice over IP or a VoIP reseller.

Which ever option one might opt for but your being successful in this field depends to a large extent on your service provider. The key area that one should focus on is to get the best rates possible for the service. This ensures that your profit margin increases substantially and thereby making sure that your company is able to establish itself as a brand in the long run.

Quality of service should be of superior level if one wants to win customer loyalty. For this a robust network of routes, high ACD and ASR should be the features that your provider is offering you. Best rates should not prove to be a detriment for the quality of service.

Ease of operations is a key factor that helps in further attracting customers. Easy installation without major changes in infrastructure and customized real -time billing are some of the areas that further attract customers and also help a reseller or a wholesaler in ensuring a smooth functioning of day- to -day operation.

This field offers a potentially profitable platform to businesses. All that is needed is to make use of the best option that is for you, in order to set up a successful Voip based telecom business entity.

Source by Kristen Kiya

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