A Simple Exercise for Immediate Improvement in Voice Projection

Directorio de Locutores

A Simple Exercise for Immediate Improvement in Voice Projection

There’s one simple exercise that could help you understand the essence of voice projection, find out what may be holding you back from proper voice projection and improve your projection immediately.

The exercise is… Lip Fluttering.

Take a deep breath in and when you breathe out, use your out-breath to make your lips vibrate.

Sound easy? Interesting enough, many of my clients could not do that! It reflects two major issues in not only their voice projection, but day-to-day life.

To make your lips flutter, first you need to understand that the vibration of your lips are propelled by your out-breath, therefore you must let the breath go, instead of holding your breath. It indicates in your life that you may often hold your breath while you speak, and are concerned about something, be it not wanting to share your opinion or always wanting to be perfect in whatever you say, and so on. Your voice projection works the same. The best voice happens on the out-breath.

Second you must relax the facial muscles. Lip fluttering is not done by putting your mouth, your face or your jaw in a specific position or shape. This is exactly the essence in your voice projection. You project the best voice when you are relaxed.

Now try again. Relax your facial muscles, take a deep breath in and use your out-breath to propel your lips to vibrate. When you are able to make excellent lip fluttering, you’ve mastered the essence of voice projection.

Happy fluttering~~

Source by Cynthia Zhai

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