How To Lose Your High-Pitched Squeaky Voice And Make It Deeper – Best Deep Voice Training Tips

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How To Lose Your High-Pitched Squeaky Voice And Make It Deeper – Best Deep Voice Training Tips

If you have a high-pitched squeaky voice that you feel it is affecting your enjoyment of life, then you should do what you can to lose it. Losing your high pitched voice or making it deeper might be a difficult thing to do, however it is possible, if you use the right techniques and follow the correct recommendations. There is so much help you can get for this, there are even deep voice training guides which sell online that can help you as much as you can with your voice tone.

There are also voice coaches who train speaking voices so they sound great to listen to. Even though some of these coaches are really expensive, if you think your voice is giving you trouble, you can consider paying to improve it. However, in this article, I have some few tips and tricks on how to lose your high pitched voice and make it deeper, and sound strong and timber.

Before we go further, you should know something about your voice, and this formula can explain so much: «Voice Quality = vocal tract configuration + laryngeal anatomy + learned component»

So this means that learned components makes up to an extent, the quality of your voice, and that is what you have control over. With that said, I’ll list the progression of techniques you can use to naturally transform your voice tone and make it sound deeper and sexier:

1. The first deep voice training technique I will list is breathing deep, so that your sides and belly expand. Many people who talk with a squeaky voice is as a result of breathing shallow. You have to take long and deep breaths so that your chest can easily press out your voice.

2. Second tip on How to Lose Your high pitched Voice and Make It Deeper is dropping your larynx. You might identify the feeling as «opening the throat» but the larynx will physically drop so there’s no doubt about it. This seems to be the most important one, so here are some ways to do this exercise:

– Keep your mouth closed an «open your throat» keeping your hand on your larynx to test. There is depressor muscles that have to push down that might have not ever been used so it might be tough going for a bit. Keep at it. Breathe in while making the shape that produces «Haw» with your mouth and throat.

3. Another thing you can do to Lose Your squeaky Voice and Make It Deeper, is that you talk form your chest, not your nose. Posture and articulation also helps.

Source by Sean Harrod

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